2001: A Space Odyssey. Did the legendary filmmaker Stanley Kubrick predict our future?

2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) - From Bone to Satellite Scene 

1968: A Space Odyssey
2021 Pantone Year of going BANANAS! 

Oh, and Aliens are real....

Mason Storm's Monkey Parliament...
The iconic Pulp Fiction stencil graffiti with BANANA guns...(existed on a wall near the Old Street tube station in the City of London from 2002 to 2007).
Mr. Brainwash always keeping it real.

The masters of Film, Pop and Street Art have always been described as a bit Bananas.

At a glance, the iconic Kubrick film is a satire on the human race still in its infant stages and viewed as a primitive life force. From bone to satellite to space as the new frontier: Using a bone as a weapon, an ape beats down the leader of another tribe to reclaim control of a watering hole. Triumphant, the ape tosses the bone into the air which transforms into an orbital satellite, jumping ahead four million years of human history. An imposing black structure provides a connection between the past and the future in this enigmatic adaptation of a short story by revered sci-fi author Arthur C. Clarke. When Dr. Dave Bowman (Keir Dullea) and other astronauts are sent on a mysterious mission, their ship's computer system, HAL, begins to display increasingly strange behaviour, leading up to a tense showdown between man and machine that results in a mind-bending trek through space and time.
TM & © Warner Bros. (1968)
Director: Stanley Kubrick WHO ARE WE?
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Narrated and directed by Michael Aranda. 2018

2001 Space Odyssey: Stanley Kubrick, need I say more?
On the surface, 2001 tells the story of human history as related to technology and some kind of alien influence. But, if we go deeper, there's a lot to this film about evolution and how technology might spell our end... or at least our change.

In Kubric's version. the Artist is hybridising with the audio visual genre's counterparts of the Pop Art culture of the 1960's, by creating a perfect world phantomised as an utopian dreamlike state, all the while commenting on the social paradoxes of a technological enhanced world, as the artist experience our world and exist within their environment. This artistic cult film speaks to the 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR), where man fear and oppose the machine which predominantly is a false sense of being opposed to technological enhancements as we largely believe that the machine will likely prevail as the ruler of the world order and kill all humankind. A large consignment of human consciousness existed within this mindset of fearing the machine rather than utilising AI to enhance our human superiority.

Are you ready for the 5th Industrial Revolution? Are you aware that the 5IR is predicted to come in full fruition in approximately 2024? Maybe sooner now that Aliens are real. Are you really prepared to get back to your homo sapiens mystical roots and be human without being a slave to society and social stratums?

Pop culture, as seen through the Millennial's eye, is perceived as a more humanistic approach as the 5IR for scene man interacting more artlessly, meaning embracing tech to serve man rather than fearing the machine. In the futuristic and technologically advanced artistic genres such as the Pop Art film, digital, and Fashion street culture, who unpretentiously invite the thought of Artificial intelligence (AI), as purely a means of utilising our freewill and evolutionary birthright to triumph as a socially conscious human existence. To allow the AI to serve man by taking over enslaved labour intensive tasks that the modern human had to endure in the mundane 9-5 prison walls. To learn to be human again, finding solace in nature.

Evolution of the human race would shift away from a society that control and confine by fear and prejudice notions and evolve more towards the individual being part of a free-thinking, futuristic, social conscious multi-universe rather. Isn't that why we need the artisan to remind us that the human race unwittingly enslaved ourselves using primitive propaganda forced upon our believes and values by our own species, and not by the machine?
Humans accepted past belief systems taught to us as righteous yielding to be confined and controlled out of fear of persecution or exile. The 5IR breaks down the mirage of being controlled by fear and celebrate the individual with the freedom of time to explore humanism while the machine will be controlled by humankind as that very false sense of fear kept the human race from truly existing, experiencing life in the true sense it is meant to be. Time is not a restriction but a gift that represents the evolution of the homo erectus as healers of the free world. Only then can the human race be truly free from stigma of being primitive within social misconceptions.

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Thank you xoxox
Christina Mmabatho Elgie
