It's that time of the year again! Stadio_design is producing and shooting 11 Fashion Films for 2021!

Stadio_SSoF 2021 Fashion Films are in production!

Here is a sneak peak of what to expect from our Fashion Media students this year. 

The Fashion Film "A virus is Born" was voted as the winner of 2020 Stadio SSoF Fashion Films. Written, produced and directed by Fashion Media graduates and emerging filmmakers Lai'qah Asmall & Zakiyya Ludick, who has unmistakably shown their skills and artistic flair as fashion journalists and artists. This humorous take on the lockdown and panic or rather pandemic in 2020, pushes the boundaries of human hysterics, experiment with new techniques and portray the circumstances the world found ourselves in, with a bit of a tongue in the cheek, reminding us not to take life too seriously. This Fashion Film is uniquely funny while touching on pop cultural issues, and is a witty representation of the present art and pop culture's version of the impact Covid-19 plays in our everyday lives giftedly portrayed by actress and fashion influencer Gabriella Ballot.

A virus is born. 2020. Lai'qah Asmall & Zakiyya Ludick

Keep an eye out for the premiere of our incredible 2021 Stadio SSoF Fashion Films!


Till next time xxx
Christina Elgie
